#Business ID: 25442

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Very Unique Uniform Manufacturer And Outlet For Sale

Business Location: Randfontein, Gauteng, South Africa

Asking Price: R 1,600,000 Revenue: R 1m to 5m Cash Flow: R 100k to 250k

Business Summary

Fine Clothing, is a very unique uniform manufacturer in Gauteng.

Reason Being:

1. We custom design and manufacture uniforms to client specifications.
2. Spa, Salon, Medical, Hospitality, and Corporate uniforms.
3. New styles added regularly.
4. Offer good after-sales care.
5. Sales representative/s - very smart, charming, and well experienced.
6. Uniform outlet - 1000+ Units ready to wear off the shelf.
7. Effective online buy, and delivery system.
8. Experienced, and loyal staff with credible employment history.
9. Factory, and outlet easy re-locatable - set-up and go!
10. South Africa's economic climate is forcing the local industry to self manufacture, and aid unemployment.
11. Stock, raw materials, machinery, patterns and most important -client files included in the offer.
12. Clothing manufacturers and fashion lovers will benefit from this unique business. Our staff is well trained, so very little or no self labor is required - only simple leadership, and savvy.
13. Accounting system in place - for quick and super easy accounting. XERO platform
14. Reliable supplier lists will be provided, making continuity of regular raw materials a breeze.
15. EPX Courier account - quick and reliable deliveries on time.
16. A profitable side wing of the business is the buy and sell - from trusted suppliers. Supplier lists included.
17. Printing, and branding options - almost definite with each order.
18. 30 Day Full Training of the full and successful running of the concern, to ensure a smooth transition
19. Selling due to our move to New Zealand
20. This concern belongs to person/s with a huge passion for clothing, fashion, business, detail, and success. We have been building it up from Zero to Hero in 8 years, and hope the next owner will do the same.
21. PS - Covid has been good to us during the lockdown - mask manufacturing went ballistic, manufacturing over 500 000 units, and still going strong.

Kindly contact us by using the form below.

Property Details

Years Established:

8 years

Property Type:



R 50,000

Inventory Value:

R 350,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

Union Street Randgate, Randfontein

Premise Details:

1st Floor Factory concern Ground floor Uniform Outlet - shop


We are the biggest manufacturer of custom - made to order uniforms. We have competitors in the same field - 2 of which I regularly look out for - but they pose hardly any threat to us, as they are standard off the self, limited selection suppliers. Our success lies in our diversity, and brand matching.

Expansion Potential:

Well, in these uncertain times, and poor economic climate, we have to manufacture ourselves. Giving rise to the collapsed textile industry, empowering and employing locals, instead of importing.

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

8h00-17h00 Monday to friday


Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Moving to New Zealand

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