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#Business ID: 23863

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Factory Manufacturing Beds for Beds For sale

Business Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Asking Price: R 100k to 250k Revenue: R 1m to 5m Cash Flow: R 500k to 1m

Business Summary

Factory making beds all sizes from single to the extra length base and mattress, baby mattresses, bunk beds, foam as well as spring beds, Bed manufacturing business, Base and mattress factory that makes beds all types and sizes from from to innerspring beds Factory making beds , with 2020 client lead list, complete setup.
Bed Manufacturing business for sale, all equipment is brand new, Manufacture single, three quarter, double, king, queen, inner spring, foam cheap to expensive mattresses with the bases, Foam beds, Spring beds, Baby mattresses, Bakkie Mattresses complete, suppliers list, this industry grows by the day. Every person must sleep if they are 3 yrs old to 103 yrs old, every person must sleep. You can go without a TV, wardrobe, even clothes but not a bed. 57 million people in South Africa Alone...This is why this industry is so huge and this product is in such a demand. Complete factory R240 000 call for an appointment. With this factory you can make all the types and sizes of beds, The machines are brand new and we supply you with all the suppliers you need to make beds. There is just too much to mention so please call for all the information and we will be glad to assist you. 2020 customer lead included Complete factory.

Please contact us for more details.

Property Details

Years Established:


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No Compitition

Expansion Potential:

Tremendous expansion potential

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

8-5 Mondayto Friday

Support & Training:



Business Relocatable

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